(The programme for the 2024 edition will be published soon)

21ST & 22ND OCTOBER 2022

Friday, 21ST October


Inauguration 6th International Artistic Pottery Fair-Contest “Bailén City”

(Palm Tree Promenade)


Information Day. "Business Opportunities of the Ceramic Sector" organized by EXTENDA- Andalusian Agency for External Promotion of the Junta de Andalucía

(Palm Tree Promenade)

9:15 - 14:30

Time Reserved to visit the 6th International Artistic Pottery Fair “Bailén City” with possibility to hold business meetings

(Palm Tree Promenade)

9:00 - 14:00

School workshop. "Painting ceramic dishes" offered to schools and taught by local potters.

(Palm Tree Promenade)

18:30 - 24:00

Time Reserved to visit the 6th International Artistic Pottery Fair “Bailén City” with possibility to hold business meetings

(Palm Tree Promenade)


Opening of the Exhibition 6th International Artistic Pottery Contest “Bailén City”: "The Dish. A traditional piece according to the new times" and sharing space a sample of traditional pieces.

(Conference room. Battle of Bailén Museum)

21:00 - 24:00

Showcooking with plastering techniques. Gastronomy and Ceramics. ASOBAY.

Collaborating establishment: Cookintech
Cook: D. José Luis Navas
(Palm Tree Promenade)

Saturday, 22ND October

10:00 - 14:30

Time Reserved to visit the 6th International Artistic Pottery Fair “Bailén City” with possibility to hold business meetings

(Palm Tree Promenade)

12:00 - 14:00

Workshop. "Drawing and painting of ceramic dishes" taught by Domingo Jordán Padilla, Antonia Jordán Padilla and María del Mar Rodríguez Chicano intended for all those people who love crafts

(Palm Tree Promenade)

18:30 - 24:00

Time Reserved to visit the 6th International Artistic Pottery Fair “Bailén City” with possibility to hold business meetings

(Palm Tree Promenade)

18:30 - 20:00

Workshop. "The art of making ceramics in the open air: the dish" made by the local potters

(Palm Tree Promenade)


Homage to traditional potters and families of pottery tradition in Bailén

(Palm Tree Promenade)


Presentation of the book "Alfarería de Bailén" by its author D. José Luis Villarejo Aguilar, doctor in Fine Arts and researcher specialized in local pottery.

The presentation will be done by D. Emili Sempere Ferrándiz and D.Jesús María Lizcano Roof

(Conference room. Battle of Bailén Museum)


Institutional Act and Jury Ruling. Award of prizes to the winners of the 6th International Artistic Pottery Contest "City of Bailén".

(Conference room. Battle of Bailén Museum)

21:00 – 24:00

Showcooking with plastering techniques. Gastronomy and Ceramics. ASOBAY.

Collaborating establishment: Pandam
Cook: D. Sergio Rodríguez
(Palm Tree Promenade)

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